Clyde Russell Scholarship Fund

About the Clyde
The Clyde Russell Scholarship Fund was created by the Maine Education Association through a trust established by the late Audrey Lewis.
It was the intent of the donor that the Fund “be used to advance cultural and educational opportunities for Maine people…in order to more fully develop their creative capacities in the arts, letters and sciences. The Fund shall accordingly make grants, loans, or gifts to citizens of Maine or to educational institutions or departments thereof and may participate in any education aid program for such individuals whether publicly or privately sponsored.”
APPLIcation info
Graduating High School Seniors Attending a 4-Year College
Graduating High School Seniors Attending a Maine Community College
Important Dates
It is the intent of the Trustees that brochures for the Clyde Russell Scholarship Fund will be generally available through high school guidance offices in the state of Maine beginning in October of any given year.
The application deadline is February 1 of each year.
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the scholarship open for applications?
It is the intent of the Trustees that brochures for the Clyde Russell Scholarship Fund will be generally available through high school guidance offices in the state of Maine beginning in October of any given year.
When is the deadline for applications?
February 1 of each year.
Who is eligible for the scholarship?
The Trustees have designated two different categories of awards:
(1) Graduating High School Seniors who will attend a 4-year college
(2) Graduating High School Seniors who will attend a Maine Community College
Awards will be limited to applicants who are residents of Maine for other than education purposes
How Do I Apply?
NEW THIS YEAR! Electronic Submissions
- Visit clyderussellscholarship.wetransfer.com
- Steps to submit:
- Upload your application by selecting upload files
- Input your email
- Add a title/subject
- Add a message
- Click transfer to submit your application
You can mail your completed Clyde Russell Scholarship application to:
Clyde Russell Scholarship Fund
PO Box 2457
Augusta, ME 04338